In recent years, one of the on-task audition requirements for the Commercial Arts(M60P) and Digital Arts(M60R) programs is to draw a figure from observation. From observation means that you draw a live person sitting or standing before you. It does not mean copying a photograph or digital image. Please review the virtual workshop on how to approach drawing the figure from life by clicking HERE.
The best portfolios have neatly presented artwork. It could include artwork done independently or in school.
If you have access to materials, try to show a variety of media.
Include pages from your sketchbook showing your ideas
M60P - COMMERCIAL ART: Portfolio
The High School of Art and Design is participating with the Department of Education Virtual admission guidelines. The following is required for the portfolio for admission to this program:
Photographs of 4 to 8 pieces of original artwork that includes the following (for additional support with this portfolio, you may view these visual arts portfolio resources(Open external link)):
Piece 1: A self-portrait using a graphite drawing pencil and paper done from observation (from observation means you draw yourself by looking in a mirror).
Piece 2: A still life of at least 3 items, using a graphite drawing pencil and paper done from observation (from observation means you draw objects placed before you on a surface in front of you).
Piece 3: A figure drawing, using a graphite drawing pencil and paper. You may pose a friend or a family member in front of you. Draw the human figure from observation (from observation means you draw a live person). If you do not have access to a friend or family member, see the tutorial on figure drawing on this visual arts portfolio resources(Open external link).
Make sure you draw the entire figure and fill the page: do not cut off parts of the head or feet.
Draw your figure with realistic proportions.
Try to use value or lines to draw the folds on the clothes.
Include any observed details and draw the facial features.
Include some background elements placing the figure in a simple setting to make sure your figure does not look like it is floating in space.
Pieces 4-7: Add 1 to 4 additional pieces to your portfolio. You may select pieces that were created using any material in any form. They may be two-dimensional or three-dimensional.
Piece 8:If you are applying to Art and Design High School, Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Art, and/or Frank Sinatra School of the Arts, submit this creative drawing. (This piece is optional for students applying to other programs.)
Using pencil and paper, draw a FANTASTICAL SANDWICH! Use your imagination and creativity – we want to see your wildest ideas of what a Fantastical Sandwich looks like to you. Consider for the drawing: What bizarre, unusual, or creative toppings does your sandwich have? Who made it? Who is it for? When creating your Fantastical Sandwich be sure to include a background and fill the whole page. Feel free to use colored pencils if you wish. And, have fun with it!
Student Introduction
Select three pieces of artwork from your portfolio (Piece 1 and Piece 2 must be included). Upload a short video about the three uploaded pieces of original artwork. Discuss your choice of subject and materials, motivation, and influences. Your video should be no longer than three (3) minutes. If you are unable to create a video, you may upload a written explanation of up to 500 words (either is equally acceptable).
Schools may invite you to “callbacks” for other school specific requirements. Schools also may invite students for live on-demand tasks. Do not be concerned if you are not invited for a callback. A callback does not mean acceptance or rejection.
FASHION DESIGN Portfolio Upload:
Photographs of 4 to 8 pieces of original artwork that includes the following (for additional support with this portfolio, you may view these visual arts portfolio resources(Open external link)):
Pieces 1-4: Original art pieces. You are encouraged to submit original fashion illustrations/designs, showing the front and back look of a garment. You may select pieces that were created using any material in any form. They may be two-dimensional or three-dimensional.
Pieces 5-8: If you are applying to Art and Design High School, prepare and submit these portfolio pieces in addition. (For applicants to the High School of Fashion Industries, this is optional, but you are welcome to submit):
Piece 5: A self-portrait, using a graphite drawing pencil and paper done from observation (from observation means you draw yourself by looking in a mirror).
Piece 6: A still life of at least 3 items, using a graphite drawing pencil and paper done from observation (from observation means you draw objects placed before you on a surface in front of you).
Piece 7: A figure drawing, using a graphite pencil and paper. You may pose a friend or a family member in front of you. Draw the human figure from observation (from observation means you draw a live person).
If you do not have access to a friend or family member, see the tutorial on figure drawing on this visual arts portfolio resources(Open external link).
Make sure you draw the entire figure and fill the page: do not cut off parts of the head or feet.
Draw your figure with realistic proportions.
Try to use value or lines to draw the folds on the clothes.
Include any observed details and draw the facial features.
Include some background elements placing the figure in a simple setting to make sure your figure does not look like it is floating in space.
Piece 8: Design a fashion outfit inspired by a fantastical sandwich. This fashion look should be reflective of colors, textures and shapes of ingredients in a sandwich. Use your imagination and creativity – we want to see your wildest ideas for this outfit. Who would wear it? When? Why? You can add accessories like shoes, hats, jewelry and a bag that also complete the FANTASTICAL SANDWICH theme. Enjoy drawing and have fun with it!
Student Introduction
Select three pieces of artwork from your portfolio (Piece 1 and Piece 2 must be included). Upload a short video about the three uploaded pieces of original artwork. Discuss your choice of subject and materials, motivation, and influences. Your video should be no longer than three (3) minutes. If you are unable to create a video, you may upload a written explanation of up to 500 words (either is equally acceptable).
Portfolio Upload
Photographs of 6 to 8 pieces of original artwork that includes the following (for additional support with this portfolio, you may view these visual arts portfolio resources(Open external link)):
Piece 1: A self-portrait, using a graphite drawing pencil and paper done from observation (from observation means you draw yourself by looking in a mirror). For additional support with a self-portrait, please see the short self-portrait tutorial produced by the High School of Art and Design(Open external link).
Piece 2: A still life of at least 3 items, using a graphite drawing pencil and paper done from observation (from observation means you draw objects placed before you on a surface in front of you). For additional support with a still life, please see the short still life tutorial produced by the High School of Art and Design(Open external link).
Piece 3: Choose ONE of the following to prepare and upload.
Option 1: Figure Drawing - Use a graphite drawing pencil and paper. Pose a friend or a family member and draw the figure from observation. (From observation means, you draw a live person). If you do not have access to a friend or family member, see this visual arts portfolio resources or the short figure drawing tutorial produced by the High School of Art and Design.
Draw entire figure, filling the page: Do not cut off any parts of the body.
Draw figure with realistic proportions.
Try to use value or lines to draw the folds of clothing.
Include observed details and draw facial features.
Place figure in a simple setting so your figure is not "floating in space."
Option 2: Interior Room Drawing - Use a graphite drawing pencil and paper. Draw any room of your home done from observation. (From observation means, you draw looking at the interior of a room in your home or another location that you are physically in.) Proportions must be realistic.
Include a corner of the room that you may have a piece of furniture
If these are in your space include:
Details of a window and door (for example the molding)
Chair or sofa upholstery and drapes/curtains using value and line
Include observed details of the room (for example statues, vase of flowers)
Piece 4: Fantastical Sandwich - Use a graphite drawing pencil and paper to design a building or monument inspired by a fantastical sandwich. What would a sandwich look like as a structure? Feel free to use colored pencils if you wish…and have fun with it!
Incorporate architectural elements into the design.
Make sure to include a ground line and background, and fill the whole page.
Use your imagination and creativity – we want to see your wildest ideas.
Ask yourself:
What is the building’s purpose and who would visit it?
Where are the doors and windows?
Are there stairways?
Pieces 5-8: Add 1 to 4 additional pieces to your portfolio. You may select pieces that were created using any material in any form. They may be two-dimensional or three-dimensional. Possible suggestions include:
Looking out your window, what do you see?
A detailed drawing of a building exterior
A close-up of a piece of furniture
A perspective drawing
Student Information
Select three pieces of artwork from your portfolio (Piece 1 and Piece 2 must be included). Upload a short video about the three uploaded pieces of original artwork. Discuss your choice of subject and materials, motivation, and influences. Your video should be no longer than three (3) minutes. If you are unable to create a video, you may upload a written explanation of up to 500 words (either is equally acceptable).
The school may invite you to “callbacks” for other school specific requirements and/or for live on-demand tasks. Do not be concerned if you are not invited for a callback. A callback does not mean acceptance or rejection.
M60R - DIGITAL ART: Portfolio
The High School of Art and Design is participating with the Department of Education Virtual admission guidelines. The following is required for the portfolio for admission to this program:
Photographs of 4 to 8 pieces of original artwork that includes the following (for additional support with this portfolio, you may view these visual art portfolio resources:
Piece 1: A self-portrait, using a graphite drawing pencil and paper done from observation (from observation means you draw yourself by looking in a mirror).
Piece 2: A still life of at least 3 items, using a graphite drawing pencil and paper done from observation (from observation means you draw objects placed before you on a surface in front of you).
Piece 3: A figure drawing, using a graphite drawing pencil and paper. You may pose a friend or a family member in front of you. Draw the human figure from observation (from observation means you draw a live person). If you do not have access to a friend or family member, see the tutorial on figure drawing on this visual arts portfolio resources.
Make sure you draw the entire figure and fill the page: do not cut off parts of the head or feet.
Draw your figure with realistic proportions.
Try to use value or lines to draw the folds on the clothes.
Include any observed details and draw the facial features.
Include some background elements placing the figure in a simple setting to make sure your figure does not look like it is floating in space.
Pieces 4-7: Add 1 to 4 additional pieces to your portfolio. You may select pieces that were created using any material in any form. They may be two-dimensional or three-dimensional. You may consider the following suggestions:
Re-design 5 characters from your favorite live action TV show or movie.
Create a poster design promoting an upcoming event or advertising a new product. Include imagery and text.
Create a book cover design of your favorite book: Include title and author.
Redesign a logo from one of your favorite companies.
Piece 8: If you are applying to Art and Design High School, submit this creative drawing based on the program to which you are applying. For applicants to the High School of Fashion Industries or Queens Technical High School, this is optional, but you are welcome to submit:
You could complete these in any media, including digital.
ANIMATION: Fantastical Sandwich. Using pencil and paper, stage an interesting scene of a character eating a sandwich in 3 phases.
Ask yourself:
Who is my character and what are they like?
What type of sandwich is the character eating?
Why and where are they eating this sandwich?
Show us your wildest ideas. Be as creative as possible while pushing the story forward...and have fun with it!
GRAPHIC DESIGN: MTA Subway Poster Advertisement. A new restaurant opened in your neighborhood. You must design an NYC subway poster promoting their special sandwich...the most (fill in the blank) sandwich in NYC! Your design must include:
Image and brief description of the sandwich
Name of the restaurant
Name of the sandwich
Slogan for the sandwich stating why it is so special
4. Student Introduction:
Upload a video in which you discuss three of the pieces you included in your portfolio. Discuss choice of subject and materials, motivation, and influences. What inspired you to complete this artwork? written explanation about the original artworks you chose to include in your portfolio. Your video may not exceed 3 minutes. If you are not able to complete a video, you may address the same information in an essay. Your short essay should not exceed 500 words
PHOTOGRAPHY Portfolio Upload:
Photographs of up to 5 photographs of original photographs. You could complete these in any media, including digital. For additional support with this portfolio, you may view these portfolio resources. You may include any photographs you wish - potential suggestions include:
A self portrait
A still life moment with one light source
A moment with your family using natural light
A landscape scene with items in the foreground, middle ground and background using natural light
Student Introduction
Select three photographs from your portfolio. Upload a short video about the three uploaded pieces of original artwork. Discuss your choice of subject and materials, motivation, and influences. Your video should be no longer than three (3) minutes. If you are unable to create a video, you may upload a written explanation of up to 500 words (either is equally acceptable).
M60Q - FILM/VIDEO PRODUCTION: Virtual Portfolio
The High School of Art and Design is participating with the Department of Education virtual admission guidelines. The following is required for the portfolio for admission to this program:
To assess your imagination, innovation, and story-telling as well as how you express your thoughts in writing, write and submit an original story that has a beginning, middle, and end (no more than 500 words) inspired by one of these photographs. There is no need to identify what photograph you selected - the photo you select should be evident from your story. It could be something that happened right before that photograph, after the photograph, or something else that the photograph inspires in you. This could be a story, script, screenplay, or something else that demonstrates your story-telling.
To assess your cinematic vision, create and submit a nine (9)-frame storyboard for a scene from your imagination. A storyboard is a visual representation of a film sequence and breaks down the action into individual panels. It is a series of ordered drawings, with camera direction, dialogue, or other pertinent details. It sketches out how a video will unfold, shot by shot. Please see this template and these storyboard resources.
Student Introduction
Upload a short video about yourself and your work. Your video should be no longer than three (3) minutes.
Discuss your storyboard - your choice of subject and why you chose the specific shots you did.
Why are you interested in being a filmmaker?
Schools may invite you to “callbacks” for other school specific requirements. Schools may also invite students for live on-demand tasks. Do not be concerned if you are not invited for a callback. A callback does not mean acceptance or rejection.