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  • 使用7天滾動平均值,紐約市的陽性測試百分比不到3%。如果我們超過此閾值,我們將不會重新營業。



  • 使用7天滾動平均值,紐約市的陽性測試百分比等於或大於3%。如果我們超過此門檻,學校將關閉。


  • 在學年開始時,DOE將為所有學校提供必要的用品,以幫助保護學生和教職員工免受COVID-19的傷害,其中包括洗手液,肥皂,消毒劑和溫度計。

  • 美國能源部將提供最大數量的洗手池。

  • 美國能源部將對HVAC系統進行改進,並進行空調維修,以改善空氣流通,並以更高效率的型號更換常規空氣過濾器。

  • DOE將在整個上學期間增加清潔度,並特別注意高接觸區域。



  • 午餐將在教室裡進行,以最大程度地減少學生群體之間的互動。

  • 如果必須使用自助餐廳,學校應保持適當的距離。

  • 將在3K到K的教室中為學生提供隨便吃的飯菜,並將在學校內為1-12年級指定接送點。





  • 學校將被允許並在某些情況下被指示進行修改或重新配置空間,以確保符合物理距離規則。有關空間修改過程的其他指南將在今年夏天晚些時候共享。

  • 所有學校都將有一個指定的隔離室,以及負責監督該空間的人員。

  • 如果這是可行的選擇,則校內醫療中心(SBHC)可以提供補充護理。







  • 供排風扇

  • 窗戶和排氣扇

  • 暖通空調系統:屋頂單元,空氣處理單元以及新建築(例如Univents)中的專用外部系統


  • 具有供氣和排氣風扇的建築物不需要可操作的窗戶。窗戶可用於額外的空氣稀釋和補充通風,或者如果機械系統出現故障。

  • 具有可操作窗戶和排氣扇的建築物符合通風要求。

  • 機械通風既可以使用送風風扇,也可以同時使用排氣扇,也可以僅使用排氣扇,並使用窗戶補充空氣。

  • HVAC單元提供機械通風,將新鮮空氣供應到沒有窗戶的建築物的內部核心房間。應該將外部空氣調節器的開口(手動或使用建築物管理系統)打開到75%-100%之間,以最大程度地增加外部空氣供應並保持建築物的舒適度。




  • 提供足夠的清潔和消毒用品,或計劃採購這些用品。

  • 要求每晚進行深層清潔,包括使用靜電噴霧器。

  • 改善HVAC系統以確保適當的通風。

  • 在教室,浴室以及門把手等高接觸區域以及筆記本電腦等共用設備上進行設置,可以增強清潔效果。

  • 為老師提供教室清潔用品。



  • 不斷更新關於症狀檢查的指南。

  • 每天在到達時對工作人員,學生和訪客進行篩查以發現症狀。

  • 為報告早上上班時間以外工作的工作人員創建健康檢查指南。

  • 管理學生在校舍外上下車,以最大程度地減少外部訪客的數量。

    • 強烈建議不要的訪客不要進入教學樓。學校應限制其他訪客的頻率和持續時間。




  • 重新設計建築物內的移動協議以最大程度地減少擁堵

  • 指定單向方向樓梯間和單文件路徑

  • 解決電梯使用政策

  • 要求學生在午餐時間留在校園




  • 使用“建築響應小組”結構來發展基於學校的COVID-19小組。

  • 部署足夠的人員以支持每日增強的健康協議。

今年秋天,紐約市的每所教學樓和全市所有的幼兒計劃都將提供護理服務。通過與NYC Health + Hospitals的合作,每個學生和工作人員將獲得合格的醫療服務


DOE 2021


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Updated Covid Information

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Safety and Security

Schools must ensure safety and security for their students, including fulfilling the objectives of Avonte’s Law (a local law requiring alarms on school doors to prevent children, especially children with severe disabilities, from leaving school grounds unnoticed). Prior to the approval of any outdoor space request, School Safety will complete a safety assessment of the plan. The DOE will also provide schools with safety guidelines and considerations, including: daily steps for assessing external space (conducted by custodial staff or School Safety Agent); door alarm policies with procedures for deactivating and activating alarms, and monitoring deactivated doors; and emergency readiness policies. 


Permission Slips

Parents and guardians who wish for their students to participate in outdoor learning must provide signed permission slips (electronic or physical) to the school.


Nurses in Every School Building

Nursing coverage for schools serving Kindergarten through 12th grade is being provided through a NYC Health + Hospitals nursing contract for 400 full-time, onsite nurses. Nurses will be hired and in-place by the first day of school.

The over 2,000 early childhood care programs and new Learning Bridges childcare programs require two layers of nursing coverage. 100 contract nurses will be hired to provide geographic coverage, prioritizing the zip codes hardest hit by COVID-19, for early childhood and Learning Bridges childcare programs. Additionally, the Department of Education will contract with a tele-health nursing provider to make available a hotline accessible to all programs Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM. Program leaders, Family Child Care Network staff and home-based providers could call and consult with a nurse who would be specially trained to advise program leaders on COVID-19 and other medical questions and concerns.


Testing and Tracing

We must use every effort to prevent the spread of infection in schools if a student or staff member is feeling sick or has a confirmed case of COVID-19. This section explains the protocols in place to achieve this. The most fundamental guidance remains that any student or staff member should stay home if they are not feeling well.

The City will continue to closely monitor health conditions, and if community transmission begins to rise across the boroughs, the decision to close all schools may be included in the mitigation effort.

In the interest of the health and safety of our entire city, DOHMH recommends that all New Yorkers get tested, whether or not you have symptoms or are at increased risk.


All staff members will be asked to take a COVID-19 test in the days before the first day of school. School staff will have priority access for testing at (Open external link)34 city-run testing locations(Open external link)with tests provided free of charge and with expedited results. This testing is also available for families citywide.


If Someone in the School Community Feels Sick 

If a student or teacher is feeling sick, they are required to stay home and, if their symptoms are consistent with COVID-19, are asked to get tested. If a student begins experiencing symptoms in school, they will be isolated and monitored by a dedicated staff member until they are picked up by their family. Staff members who become symptomatic at school are asked to immediately leave the building.


Whether symptoms begin at home or in school, there will be a clear flow of information to facilitate fast action and prevent spread. A positive confirmed case will trigger an investigation by NYC Test + Trace and DOHMH to determine close contacts within the school. Schools will communicate to all families and students at school once a case is laboratory confirmed.


The DOE is working in tight coordination with DOHMH and the Test + Trace Corps to identify, isolate, and prevent spread of COVID-19. In the event that there is a laboratory- confirmed case in a school, all students and teachers in that class are assumed close contacts and will be instructed to self-quarantine for 14 days since their last exposure to that case.


Additionally, the DOHMH and Test + Trace Corps will begin an investigation into the risk of exposure to the school community and work with the DOE to issue clear guidance and decisions for next steps based on the outcome.

The High School of Art and Design

245 East 56th Street NY, NY 10022 

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Tel: (212) 752-4340 | Fax: (212) 752-4945

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